Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Herby Resolve

In response to my beautiful wife's blog-post: I'm writing my own resolution.

I hereby resolve to help act like the father and husband I am. If that means getting up at 6:00 to shovel snow so that we have a clear driveway, or getting up early to work on my own projects so that our evening is free, by the grace of God, I resolve to do it. If it means taking an extra 20 minutes and cleaning up and doing dishes with her after supper, but God's grace, I'll do it. If it means setting aside a movie, or even just chilling on the laptop in order to have a time together in God's work, then by God's Grace, I'll do it.

If it means feeding, bathing, watching, and playing with Owen so Sarah can rest, or do other things mentioned in HER blog :) then By God's Grace I'll do it.

It's time, as 1 Cor 16:13 says, to "Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A truly Soverign God

I had a discussion with a lady from work yesterday about her "week from hell." This woman claims to be a christian, only God knows. Anyway, after she finished telling me about her week and stating satan was giving her the week from hell, I explained to her that God was the one giving her this week, and that it was for her growth and sanctification. I explained that God, as omniscient, has our days and weeks planned, and that nothing is going that happen that will cause Him to say: "Bummer! Never saw that coming!"
This lead me meditate on the sovereignty of the LORD the rest of the day, and this is what I came up with:

First: God, as necessitated by His nature, is omniscient - that is - all knowing. He cannot be otherwise or He ceases to be Divine. By virtue of this, God knows the past, present, and future, as a Being above and beyond this existential experience of time. (Ps 90:4) This being established, I propose that if God is fully aware of the future - every choice, decision, action, and consequence that comes to us daily - then we can say that the choices, decisons, actions, and consequences in each second of each minute of each hour of each day are ones that God knows are going to come about. Thus if God knows the outcomes already, we must conclude that the outcomes are already established. Like a musician playing a new piece of music, the unplayed notes remain unplayed, while the played notes make up the song thus far. The notes were there all along, the just weren't realized. Likewise, God as the Great Musician of His grand work of Redemption, has written the music: life is the notes, history is the music already played, and the future is the pages yet unturned.

Friday, May 22, 2009

about me

I am a reformed computer geek living in pennsylvania. I am in my 5th year of college for my BS in CS. The purpose of this blog is that it will be a place where I can muse about theology and also muse about geeky topics, such as new software I am developing for the body of Christ.